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Your support helps us create change to fight illiteracy, food insecurity, provide access to clean water and sanitation, housing and improved well-being. 

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Florence Nightingale Global Health

Etowah, North Carolina, USA

Year founded: 2014

Your generous donation will be used to support those most in need.

Support our Medical Missions

We aim to source funding to purchase critical medical supplies.

Please consider making any donation amount.

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Our Ultimate Wish List


Pediatric Pulse Oximeters (measuring 02)

Glucose test with strips

Littman stethoscopes

Electronic Blood Pressure Monitors

Pediatric multivitamins gummies

Baby Weighing Scales

Prenatal Kits for Expecting Mothers
Prenatal Vitamins, Linen for Hospital visit, Birthing Kit, Soap, Comb, Shampoo

Dental Kits for Kids (Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Dental Floss)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 


Florence Nightingale Global Health





It doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's life when they have so little. Please join us to help those living in poverty. 

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Purchase a Wheelchair for a Nun


Our beautiful Benedictine Sisters have cared for the communities across the Philippines for many years. Some of these ladies are older and have mobility challenges. We can purchase and supply a wheelchair to those who need this type of assistance for as little as US$150 per chair. You can support this project by donating any amount. 

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Sponsor A School Pack

Similar items purchased locally

School Pack A

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School Pack B

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School Pack C

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FNGH is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Organization

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